
The Novogara Speedtest Server is located in Novogara's AMS1 Amsterdam Facility.
This speedtest server is running on a dedicated 20 Gigabit unshared connection. by Ookla

Please visit and choose the Novogara BV speedtest server in your settings.
Linux users can also download the speedtest-cli tool via the website or in the local linux package manager

Once you installed the speedtest-cli tool you can use the following command to run a speedtest:

speedtest-cli --server 32561

Testing with iPerf3 (preferred on 10gbit servers)

If you wish to test the speed of your 10gbit server we advise to use iperf3.
You can use the following commands to use iPerf3 with Novogara's AMS1 Amsterdam speedtest server.

iperf3 -c -p 5200 -P 10 -4 # IPv4
iperf3 -c -p 5200 -P 10 -6 # IPv6

If the server is busy running a test you could try a different port.
Ports 5200 up to 5209 are available. Keep in mind that only TCP is enabled!

iPerf3 Instructions

Test files over HTTP

These files are served from memory and generated on the fly.

1MB.bin, 10MB.bin, 100MB.bin, 1GB.bin, 10GB.bin, 100GB.bin, 1TB.bin, 1PB.bin, 1EB.bin

Download from command line:

wget -4 -O /dev/null # IPv4
wget -6 -O /dev/null # IPv6

Current bandwidth utilization 0.01 Mbit/s